Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Modern Productivity = Shorter Employee Workweek

Time is your most precious commodity...

Morning Joe helped me connect some old thoughts. As we (1st worlders) become more productive and rely on technology to do our work, we should work fewer hours.

How many hours of housework do the washer and dryer save? How about the microwave, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, lawnmower...? Do we spend the saved time on other housework or is it now devoted to leisure? I'd say it's mostly leisure.

The same should apply to the workplace. More productivity should shorten the workweek. Instead, it often seems to be cutting jobs. We have a fixation on the 35-40 hour work week. Maybe it's time that changed.

Blowback from such a suggestion could come from both employer and employee. Employers would lose some return from hiring costs and employees would lose a portion of their income due to reduced hours.

To avoid a vacuum on the next generation’s middle class, a future with a shorter employee workweek may be necessary. At first your compensation may see some reduction but job security (or a job) would return for those willing to work.